The WOW group meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM.
The women usually bring a dish of something tasty to enjoy.
The atmosphere is relaxed & all women are welcome.
The goal for this group is to help build relationships & rapport with women in the body of Christ.
God calls us a ‘good thing’ (Proverbs 18:22), a special gift.
Women have so much responsibility; to take care of the children, assist our husband, clean the house, cook the food and work, full time
(Proverbs 31). Our strength comes from the Lord alone, the task can be overwhelming. Know that you are not alone sister come and join us for a time to get to know the Word of God and each other.
Two is better than one, lets lift each other up.
(Eccl 4:9-12).
The Word gives us power, power to live and it even energizes us.
Come and learn the secrets to be able to accomplish more while spending more time with our God, the Prince of Peace.
Some of the women who attend are mature in the knowledge of the Lord, others are just learning.
Come let’s grow together, learn what the bible says about God and how he teaches us to put our trust in him.
The focus of this meeting is the Word of God, fellowship by listening and encouraging each other.
More importantly we pray for each other, bring your prayer and praise reports.
You are invited & welcomed to come & be blessed & be a blessing.